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作家相片Bboy Choco

J-Rawk Interview

Please introduce yourself, which country are you from? what’s your crew?

A1.我叫做Jayrawk來自美國的Style Elements Crew以及Floor Rockers。

Sup im jayrawk from usa and style elements crew and floor rockers

What makes you start Breaking?

A2.我家人從80年代就開始跳舞,我哥哥是Sidewalk Breakers以及Playboys Inc Poppin Crew的成員。所以大約在我5-6歲的時候就開始接觸,但是我接下來並沒有持續跳舞,斷了很久。直到我17歲的時候又回來跳。而且我剛開始回來跳的時候很好玩,那是某一天,我和我堂兄弟們一起看電視,電視剛好在撥Beat Street電影,然後我們就覺得很熱血,於是我們跑到廚房練舞,嘗試做一些動作,哈哈。我們就因此又投入到跳舞當中。當時我跟我堂哥Flea組了一個團叫做Floor Rockers,有了這個團之後我們開始尋找附近有沒有也有想跳這個舞蹈的人,然後我們就把那些人收到我們團裡來。那時大家每天都會到Flea家中的車庫練舞。多年之後就有越來越多傳奇Bboy從Flea家的車庫中誕生。那時候真的很好玩。

Breaking has been in my family since the 80’s with my older brother bryan Moreno from the sidewalk breakers and playboys inc poppin crew. So I did it when I was like 5 -6 yrs old but it died out and I didn’t find it again until I was around 17 , but the way I got back into it was kinda funny. One day me and my cousins were watching tv and beat street came on and we got so hype we started messing around in the kitchen trying moves haha. So we just kept goin with it and me and my cousin flea started a crew called floor rockers and we started finding people in our neighborhood that were tryin to break too so we got them down. Everybody would come over to fleas garage everyday and just train!! Over the years so many legendary bboys came to that garage . those were good times.

Q3.誰是您的啟蒙老師? 誰一開始影響你很多?
Who’s consider as your biggest inspiration? And who inspired you in the beginning?

A3.有很多人都啟發我很多,如果要說最多的,那應該是Flo Master。你知道90年代那時候的Bboy都非常傳統,也都練差不多的東西,而當我看到Flo在Bboy Summit 2的表現時,他那些與眾不同的想法和舞技著實讓我大開眼界。但說到一開始影響我的舞者應該可以算是影片中的Crazy Legs和Ken Swift,不過以我所在地來說的話,應該算是Sidewalk Breakers的Romeo Zapata。

Ahh theres so many but biggest would probably be flo master. You have to understand b boying in the early 90’s was pretty traditional and repetitive and I when I saw flo at bboy summit 2 just killing it with all these different ideas It blew me away! In the beginning for me it was crazy legs and ken swift but locally it was romeo Zapata from sidewalk breakers.

Q4.在90年代最有印象的一場BATTLE? 為何? Which battle impressed you the most during 90’s era? Why?

A4.有很多Battle都很精彩,但是最具代表性的應該是在某一年Battle Of The Year比賽中Battle Squad對上2nd To None。我們很幸運能夠擁有那捲錄影帶,在過去是不會有人願意分享這些影帶的,因為這就有點像是洩漏秘密給敵人一樣。當我們一開始看到那個影片我們大家都差點不跳舞了,因為他們的程度實在高出我們太多,太扯了。但後來我們決定更加努力,付出更多心血來匹敵。

So many but the one that set the bar was battle of the year battle squad vs 2nd to none. We were lucky to get our hands on that tape back then bboy crews didn’t wanna share footage cause it was like giving away secrets to the enemy haha. When we saw that battle at first we thought about quitting cause the level was ridiculous but we got over it and started pushing even harder.

Describe your style and your way of dancing?


I would say a bendable / thread style but had the foundation before I started trying any of that stuff cause I seen people try to do threads without footwork involved and it just doesn’t look right.

Q6.是否有低潮過? 請問你怎麼渡過?
Have you ever felt depressed in your life of dacing? How you been through it?


Yes I have sometimes I just have to step away for a bit clear my head try other things but eventually It always calls me back . im 37 and cant believe im still doing it , I feel very blessed.

What is “Bboy” mean to you?


means everything to me , a lot of people go thru their life searching for something that their passionate about , I was lucky to find mine.

What’s the point of being “Bboy”?


for me is to express myself without having to speak. I was always shy but bboying helped me break out of my shell and so I am grateful cause I have met so many wonderful people because of bboying.

What are your opinions on Cypher and Battle?

A9.這些都是這個文化的本質,都是用來測試自己的技巧的方法。我還蠻希望有人call out我的,或許等我到韓國的時候看看有沒有人會這樣做,哈哈。

True essesnce of the culture to test ones skill against another. I wish someone would call me out, maybe when I go to korea haha.

Sugesstion for Bboys nowadays?


My suggestion would be don’t be in a rush to be the greatest bboy ever , put the time and effort in your craft and respect the culture and learn your history!!

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