"Gerald Casterlow"
前言 :
Choco在這希望大家可以把這篇文章好好讀完,當然如果可以的話轉貼給你身邊的Bboys & BGirls
因為你練的招式有許多都是他發明出來的,Poe 1曾說過每一個動作都有名字, 發明人, 及發明的原因
Gerald Casterlow 不管是在舞蹈方面或是其他方面,對許多人來說,過去,現在以及未來都是一位啓發者。
在舞蹈方面,他不停創新的舞步與風格啓發了世界中許多舞者,也讓他受領世界中無數個團體賽和個人賽的冠軍。Gerald和Rock Force Crew在San Francisco的第一場比賽晉級到了決賽和Style Elements爭奪冠軍。這一場比賽對全世界來說是一大震撼。
風聲也迅速的傳到California以外的城市讓許多舞者們開始注意這位充滿潛力的啓發者!Gerald是California裡其中一位Bboy可以完整的做出空拋(Air Flare)。
不僅如此,他很快的就將空拋接上他原有的獨創招式,這一進步帶領了他奪取他舞蹈人生中兩大賽事:德國BOTY冠軍(Rock Force Crew),紐約Rock Steady Crew Anniversary 1對1 Battle。1998年12月23號,就在他贏了Rock Steady Anniversary不久後的一天,當Gerald在車裡等待他的朋友時,很不幸的捲入了一場嚴重的槍擊案。
Gerald的頭部中彈,成為了一個在錯誤的地點及時間的受害者。這一槍差一點帶走了他的性命。但這位永遠不朽的戰士不但沒有被這一顆子彈打敗,他又再次回到了他熟悉的舞蹈界,從新練回了他的招式以及繼續和Climax Soul Control巡迴世界,同時,他也在加州Fresno的SCMX 舞蹈學院授課。
原文出處 :
Gerald Casterlow was, and always will be, an inspirational person on and off the dance floor.
On the dance floor he inspired people on a global scale with his innovative moves and combinations which lead to winning countless crew and solo competitions across the planet. Gerald’s first competition with Rock Force Crew in San Francisco brought them to the final battle; Rock Force Crew vs Style Elements - a battle which echoed like a cannon blast heard around the world. People outside of California quickly caught wind of this battle and began to take interest. Gerald was one of the first b-boys in California to master the air-flare and quickly added it to his already vast arsenal of moves which aided in two of his most memorable accomplishments in the dance world: 1st place at Battle of the Year in Germany with Rock Force Crew, and 1st place in the 1 on 1 competition at Rock Steady anniversary in New York.
On December 23rd 1998, shortly after winning Rock Steady anniversary, Gerald was in a car waiting for a friend when he received a near fatal injury by a stray bullet to the head, a victim to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The gunshot nearly took his life but wouldn’t hold this warrior down. He came back and regained majority of his moves and continued to tour and dance with Climax Soul Control while teaching classes at the SCMX Dance Academy in Fresno, Ca.
Outside of his personal career Gerald was a selfless and giving person who loved to share his craft with the community and was never selfish with his knowledge of the art form. A true gift of Gerald was how he could translate his grasp on the concepts behind movement in a manner others could easily comprehend. While teaching others new moves he could analyze them and easily pinpoint what was missing and what could compliment the movement. He would spend hours on end helping others learn new moves while always maintaining a patient and positive energy while teaching.
On December 23rd 2012, 14 years to the day after suffering from the gunshot to the head Gerald suffered a seizure and suffered brain trauma. After two hospitals confirmed the lack of brain activity and Gerald was removed from life support on the afternoon of December 30th and stopped breathing that evening.
Gerald we will miss you dearly and thank you for the Legacy you left the community.
Words by Sean “Megaman” Burgess.
B-Boy Gerald KHAOS CREW 1996
BOTY 1998 Final, The Family vs Rock Force Crew (Part 2/2)
撰自 Sean "Megaman"Burgess
翻譯:YEN a.k.a YUI
R.I.P Gerald Casterlow